10 Different Robots
1) industrial robots- are robots used in industries and are mainly used in a manufacturing environment. These robots preform task such as welding,painting, material handling and others.
2) Domestic and house hold robot- are robots your use at your house. This type of robots includes many different devices such as robotic vacuum cleaners, robotic pool cleaners, sweepers, gutter cleaners and other robots that can do different chores.
3)Medical robots - are robots used in medicine and medical institutions. Such as - surgery robots. Also, some automated guided vehicles and maybe lifting aides.
4)Service robots - are robot that can gather different data togther, robots made to show off technologies, robots used for research, etc.
5)Military robots - are robots used in military. This type of robots includes bomb disposal robots, different transportation robots. Often robots created for military purposes can be used in law enforcement, search and rescue and other related fields.
6)Entertainment robots - are robots used for entertainment. It can be toy robots such as robosapien or the running alarm clock and real heavyweights such as articulated robot arms used as motion simulators.
7)Space robots - are robots used in space. This type would include robots used on the International Space Station, Canadarm that was used in Shuttles, as well as Mars rovers and other robots used in space.
8)Hobby and competition robots - are robots that you create. Line followers, sumo-bots, robots made just for fun and robots made for competition.
9)Robot kits-Robotic kits like Lego Mindstorms, BIOLOID, OLLO from ROBOTIS, or BotBrain Educational Robots can help children to learn about mathematics, physics, programming, and electronics.
10)Soft Robots-Robots with silicone bodies and flexible air muscles, electroactive polymers, and ferrofluids, controlled using logic and neural networks, look and feel different from robots with rigid skeletons, and can have different behaviors.
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